What’s Your Color?

Have you seen the latest buzz on Facebook? Seems that women all over the world are posting a one word status - the color of their bra!

Our informal poll reveals that “white” is not as popular a color for foundations as you would think - and that “nude” likely takes the lead. However, there have been lots of interesting posts, including purple and gold.

The idea of the FB campaign is to get folks thinking about breast cancer awareness. While some writers have panned this as just another Facebook flop, here’s hoping it gets even one more woman to do a monthly self-exam (and find that lump early) or results in even one more another donation to a local breast cancer research or support group.

What do you think? Another flash in the pan with hype but no bite, or worth the five seconds to post your bra’s color and pass on the message?

Sources: CNN; reporting from BraWise