It’s Bridal Show Season!

Get a head start planning your wedding lingerie

Perhaps it’s something about the season – while my beloved is one of the least sentimental men I know, I got engaged just before Christmas. In fact, most of the people I know got engaged in the December holiday season.

The wedding industry knows this. As a result, most big bridal shows are scheduled, year after year, in January. All over the continent, women are planning for their summer nuptials while it’s cold and snowy outside. Most are planning 18 months out.

I bucked the trend. I got engaged in December and married the following June. Our thought was: we’re sure we found the right person. Why wait?

While I was convinced of the man, my first and last bridal show almost drove me to elope. My best friend and I decided to go – just for the experience. Once I was identified as the bride, I’d invariably be asked “When is the wedding?” When I’d answer with “This June”, the response was always a sharp intake of breath and a look of sheer horror. Clearly, they thought I was nuts.

I guess I just wasn’t into the trappings of a wedding enough to get caught up in the hype.

That didn’t stop me from enjoying the show. One nice benefit of a bridal show is the focus on fashion. Today, you can not only find beautiful outer fashion, but inner fashion as well. Of course, at BraWise, we think getting the right wedding lingerie is at least as important as the right gown.

It’s tough to shop for the right foundation for your dress. Nothing beats seeing a garment “live and in person”. A good bridal show with both vendors and catwalk exhibitions can help you visualize what you want. Lingerie displays may allow you to see how an item is worn – and help you to decide if it is right for you.

If you can, bring along your dress to try on over any lingerie that you are interested in. Obviously, the inner fashions must work well with the outer.

If the bridal show doesn’t give you enough time to shop for the lingerie of your dreams, perhaps your friends could throw a “lingerie shower“. My buddies did exactly that – a co-ed shower for me and my beloved that allowed us a chance to see the fashions (for both males and females), feel the fabrics and exchange a few jokes with our friends. Not only was it a lot of fun, but we were treated to the lingerie of our choice, with our “host” credits.

I highly recommend it.